
The proportion of the elderly is increasing in society in relation to the total population due to better health care leading to prolongation of people's lives. "MANISH GOVIL MEMORIAL TRUST" foresees that next 30 to 50 years will undergo a dramatic transformation with the increase in elderly population. In 2011, elderly population in India was approx. 10.4 crores and is estimated to have increased to 13.8 crores in 2021. It is expected to further increase to 19.4 crores in 2031. In fact the number of elderly in India is currently larger than the total population of many countries. The process of population aging is faster in India than in other developing countries because India is expected to experience a faster decline in fertility in the immediate future compared to mortality. In addition, improvement in life expectancy will allow older persons to survive longer.

The consequences of the aging process has to be understood in the back drop of far reaching social, economic and value based changes in India. Indian society has witnessed an erosion of traditional values which has undermined the traditional position and status of the elderly. The family has undergone a sea change like the decline in the joint family system, fewer children due to acceptance of small family norms, increasingly participation of women in economic activities and migration of younger members from rural areas to cities for employment. Added to these is paucity of adequate housing facilities arising out of urbanization.

It has been observed that the elderlies feel increasingly neglected and are often cast away as burden. Consequently, physical hardships and psychological stress, Security in general and financial security, better health maintenance facilities etc. are the areas which ask for special attention in the case of elderlies. Indian Government's concern for the aged and elderlies has remained confined to pension schemes, travel concessions in railway and road transport to the senior citizens and to some medical facilities only. Hence senior citizens are in urgent need of VarishthaNagrik Sewa Sadans. Abha Manav Mandir VarishthaNagrik Sewa Sadan is safe & secure accommodation and a determined step in an atmosphere of growing realisation of the inadequacy of the arrangements for the old and senior citizens in India.