About MGMT

Manish Govil Memorial Trust, a public charitable Trust, was established in Feb. 2003 in memory of Manish, loving son of Mr. Suresh Chandra Govil & Mrs. Abha Govil, for the purpose of serving the society on charity basis. The main objectives of Manish Govil Memorial Trust are:

  • To establish, develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospitals, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centres or such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and use of the general public.
  • To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and staff and also for the development of knowledge amongst the public in general.
  • To establish, maintain and run studentship, scholarship and render other kind of aid to students including supply of books, stipends, medals and other incentives to study without any distinction as to caste, colour, race, creed, sex or religion.
  • To promote, establish, support, maintain or grant aid to institutions for the promotion of science, technology, management or professional education.
  • To establish, maintain or grant aid for the establishment and/ or maintenance of dharamshalas and rest houses for use by public in general.
  • To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, orphanages or other establishments for the relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans, widows and aged persons.
  • To establish and develop institutions for the physically handicapped or disabled or mentally retarded persons and to provide them educations, food, clothing or other help.
  • To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earthquake, flood, fire, pestilence etc. and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishments or persons engaged in such relief work.
  • To construct, repair and manage the marghats, cemeteries and burial grounds.
  • To grant aid or render assistance to other public charitable Trusts or institutions of similar objectives.
  • To advance loan on refundable basis free of interest and/or grant scholarship to poor and deserving persons engaged in intellectual, moral, cultural and allied studies in India or abroad.
  • To render selfless services without any profit motive, without distinction of caste, creed, religion, colour or sex with special consideration for the poor, weaker, under privileged and backward section of the society.
  • To publish, distribute and sponsor magazines, newspapers, journals, books, leaflets, bulletins and other such literatures to disseminate knowledge relating to any branch of human endeavor.
  • To do any other act for the advancement of general public utility not involving the carrying on of any activity for profit without distinction of caste, colour, sex, creed or religion.
  • To meet out the cost of expenses of medical treatment, medicines or medical apparatus required to be given to any deserving poor patients who cannot bear the same on their own.
  • To promote any charitable activity for public utility as the Trustees may think fit.
  • To establish/ meet out expenditure or to grant aid to goushala (cow care & protection house) run by Trust, Charitable society or Govt. organisation.
  • To grant aid for marriage of widows and daughters of widows.